Installation Guidelines
Available WebXR Therapeutic ModulesWe are continiously maintaining a library of gamified, therapeutic WebXR modules, that were designed by experts in therapy, education, and game developers.
The following are ongoing open-source projects based on the WebXR technology.
Ellie Tale#
Ellie Tale is gamified Virtual Reality theapeutic application, addresses attention skills on various levels.
The gameplay consists of a visual target tracking exercise that is designed to address and measure the various variables of attention assessed by the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA).
GardenDo is gamified Virtual Reality theapeutic application, addresses attention skills on various levels.
The gameplay consists of a plant watering exercise that is designed to address and measure the various variables of attention.
LicenseVRapeutic's open-source project are GPL-3.0 Licensed.
Tech. StackVRapeutic's WebXR development team builds the therapeutic apps on top of open-source projects as well.
The current WebXR team 's technology stack is:
- A-Frame
- TypeScript
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Installation GuideWe provide easy-to-follow instructions so that developers can easily have our project run on their preffered development platform within no-time
In these instructions, we assume that you're going to start working with our first published WebXR project, Ellie Tale.
Local Development Env.- Clone the repository
- Go to the repo's directory
- Run the following command to install the required dependecies
- Run the following command to start the WebXR app in your local envirotnment
- Go to the localhost URL specified in your terminal
- Congrats! You've got your local development environment ready!
GlitchGo to Glitch platform
Create an account, if you don't have one
Open your dashboard, click New project, then choose the Import from GitHub option.
Paste the repo's full url, then click Ok.
You're ready to go!
DockerComing soon.